

July 6, 2022

Nix Spectro 2

Step 1 Step 2  Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Download CC Capture
and install it 

Connect Instrument
to USB Socket

Launch the Application

Enter Organization Name,
select Instrument type

Watch the video,
enter your credentials

Learn more here:

QuickStart CC Capture


T-42 Target, CC Measurement Backer, CC Substrate Backer, CC-2D Barcode Reader, CC RHT-USB Sensor, Label Printer

Technical information related to Nix Spectro 2 driven by CC Capture: 

  • Inspectors:  Print,  Instrument,  Color,  Substrate.   
  • Supported connection methods: USB 
  • M-Condition supported: M0, M1, M2,  

Any Problem?

  1. Check the Troubleshooting guidelines first.
  2. Use the "Send Feedback" feature (top menu of CC Capture) to report your issue.
  3. Contact technical support via e-mail

Contact ChromaChecker Support

Additional information and Support Form is available for logged users.