

August 4, 2022

Design and Photography

Struggling with color? You need a spectrophotometer and ChroamChecker that resolve most of your color issues.

Calibrate and verify your Display

Measure, compare, and analyze color samples with QuikChecker 

Evaluate Lighting Conditions

Verify, Profile your color printer (RGB or CMYK)

Manage color samples - create Libraries, export to Adobe, and much more

Learn more about color 


Most of the tools  for that type of profession are similar

Color Inspector

Depending on an object that you need to measure - its uniformity, glossiness, and surface effects you may use any geometry or aperture Instruments that CC Capture currently supports. 


Print Inspector

This tool is primarily designed for Print Industry, but also freelance professionals may need it in their work. Even without expensive RIPs, the user can make high-quality prints that can be controlled and certified.


Substrate Inspector

Additionally, it is probably interesting to learn more about Substrate Inspector. This tool can create multi M-Condition Libraries and has a tracking feature. It is primarily designed for Print Industry, however


Lighting Inspector

This tool is very important as it helps to control Lighting Conditions for ateliers and for exposing goods to end-users. Additionally, custom Lighting Conditions can be captured for precise color sample evaluation.


Display Inspector

Whenever an important part of the work requires displays, it is a tool that makes it possible. The important feature is the ability to synchronize Displays remotely in the entire organization, making teamwork predictive.




Some specific extras  are related to your choice:

Industrial Designer, Interior Designer, Architect  Graphic Designer Photographer

Contact ChromaChecker Support

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