

    7. How to use different tolerances for different tasks?
    1. Advanced tolerances - Introduction
    2. Snowflake
    3. Evaluate Color Tolerance on the Display.
    4. Find the closest color on your printer: Grid Tool
    5. Display first - it saves time and consumables!  
    6. Entering tolerance values in the system
    7. How to use different tolerances for different tasks?
    8. Exporting Advanced tolerances to your X-Rite eXact
    9. High Quality Profiles for extremely demanding printing tasks
    April 6, 2022

    How to use different tolerances for different tasks?

    Color Inspector supports a multi-level structure for naming which supports having the same reference color defined for multiple print conditions. This allows for defining different references based on the substrate being used in production, for instance, if rendering Coke red for a label on a bright white stock should result in a close match to the absolute Coke red definition (defined in the Library), but when rendering the same Coke red on a Recycled consumer board stock, the reference will have to be different to accommodate the fact that the substrate will not allow ink to match the absolute reference, so a secondary (producible) reference (defined in a color palette for recycled stock) has to be defined to accommodate the lower quality substrate.  

    If you have specific color libraries (like Pantone or other) and different customers have different tolerances, ChromaChecker allows you to make copies of the libraries as customer-specific palettes each with different tolerances to accommodate each customer's needs. When applying the palette definition within Print Inspector, the user can assign both the specific Library and Palette to one track. ChromaChecker default sets the higher priority to the palette definition and will override tolerances of the same sample from the Library.

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