

August 16, 2023

Create Color Palette

Input Methods

There are a couple of ways to create a Color Pallete or Library. We recommend creating Color Palette with CC Capture. This is the most accurate and fast method. If you need to use the existing Color Library - you should upload the CxF file. 

1. CC Capture

CC Capture is a very fast and efficient tool that can create Color Palettes. The current version supports the following instruments:

Instrument  M0 M1 M2 M3 SPIN SPEX notes
X-Rite i1 Pro 1 not recommended
X-Rite i1 Pro 1 UV - cut not recommended
X-Rite i1 Pro 2  
X-Rite i1 Pro 3  
X-Rite i1 Pro 3 Plus M3 requires Polarisation Head mounted on the Instrument
X-Rite eXact  requires "M1Part 2 Export" enabled in the Instrument menu
X-Rite eXact XT requires "M1Part 2 Export" enabled in the Instrument menu
X-Rite eXact 2  
Techkon SpectroDens 1    
Techkon SpectroDens 2  
Nix Spectro 2  
Variable Spectro 1  
Variable Spectro 1 PRO  
CC DS-700D     Additional UV on/off feature, Built-in camera
ColorChecker Studio    not recommended


Each of the above instruments will allow for a series of measurements to be averaged. The default value of 3 measurements can be changed by the user. After the series has been completed, the homogeneity analysis will allow assessing whether the sample was sufficiently homogeneous. The maximum error and the average error will be given. If we require strictly set tolerances, when creating a reference, we must be sure that our request is realistic.

CC Capture controls the measuring instrument to achieve all possible M-conditions. This allows for more flexible use of references as well as the assessment of phenomena such as fluorescence.

Spectral data allows you to later simulate any lighting conditions and calculate metamerism. Also, fluorescence can be evaluated when M1 and M2 spectral data are available.

CC Capture can create only Palettes but the website interface enables switching Palette to Library and opposite.

When a non-opaque object is measured use CC Measurement Backer. 

To learn step-by-step how to create Color Palette click here.

2. CxF Import

If you have a compatible CxF file you may import it directly to Color Inspector Assets.

If working with Ink-Kitchen or 3rd party software that can export color libraries this is a very good way to manage existing assets. 

The list of 3-rd party software that produces compatible CxF files, that CC can import:


Software multi M-cond. CxF/X-4 Tolerances   Advanced Tol.
X-Rite eXact Manager
Alwan APV/ACH/Toolbox
Babel Color Patch Tool
Barbieri Gateway


To learn how to import CxF follow the dedicated step-by-step procedure. 


3. Direct Input — Lab coordinates only.

There are many situations where we have Lab coordinates only. In this case, we can enter values by numbers directly into Assets in Color Inspector. This method is not recommended due to the fact that most of the calculations, simulations are using spectral data.  

If you have Lab values it is important to know what Illuminant and Observer and M-condition values were captured at.  In many situations, errors coming for color specification miss-match may be higher than potentially desired tolerances...

To learn how to manually input Lab coordinates follow the dedicated step-by-step procedure. 



Input Methods Comparison Chart

Input Method Limitations Spectral Data CxF/X4 support* Sample averaging
CC Capture a limited list of instruments Yes build-in build-in
CxF import requires compatible CxF file Yes possible requires this feature in 3rd party app.
Manual Input  computational limitations  No not possible not possible

* to learn more about CxF/X-4 click here



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